Texas Boat Donations
Texas Boat Donations: The Perfect Gift for Those with Breast Cancer

Photo by pasja1000 under Pixabay License
To take part in our Texas boat donations program, you’ll only need two things: an old, unwanted boat you want to part ways with and a soft spot for people who are going through their journey with breast cancer. You must be really fed up with the responsibilities of keeping a vessel that you couldn’t even bear to set your eyes on. It could be slowly rotting away in your backyard or just floating lazily in the marina for the past few months.
The good news is, you don’t need to sell that boat, and you don’t need to keep it either. Donate it for a good cause to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations.
Breast Cancer in the Lone Star State
Do you know that Texas is the nation’s second largest state? According to the United States Census Bureau, Texas had a total population of 28,304,596 residents as of 2017. Females, the usual breast cancer targets, make up 50.4 percent of Texas’ population. The National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. confirms that on the average, a woman is diagnosed with this disease every two minutes while another woman loses her life to it every 13 minutes.
This type of cancer affects one in every eight women in the country. The Cancer Statistics Center data show that in the Lone Star State alone, it’s estimated that in 2018, there will be 18,260 new cases and 2,880 deaths among the female population. We at Breast Cancer Car Donations believe that we can do something to bring these numbers down.
We work hand in hand with registered 501(c)3 nonprofits that focus on providing much-needed comprehensive breast health services to all individuals across the country who need them. We raise funds for these services through vehicle donations from generous people such as you. The proceeds from the sale of donated vehicles will go directly to the charities that we have partnered with.
Who Are Our Texas Boat Donations Charity Partners?
Our nonprofit partners work diligently in fighting breast cancer and trying to save its victims. It’s an honor for us to work with:
- American Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF)
ABCF connects breast cancer patients, especially the uninsured and underserved, to local facilities that give financial assistance and free access to breast cancer resources and services, giving them a real fighting chance to survive the devastating disease.
- Women Involved in Nurturing, Giving, Sharing, Inc. (WINGS)
Since a breast cancer patient and her breast surgeon founded WINGS in 1999, this organization has been supporting over 900 women with breast cancer from Southern Texas by providing $12 million in healthcare services. These services include comprehensive breast cancer treatment, follow-up care for survivors, and so much more.
If you want to help increase the survival rates for breast cancer, donate your unwanted boat by calling 866-540-5069 today!
Texas Boat Donations: How to Get Started
We’ve pretty much established that your boat doesn’t need to stay with you forever if you don’t want it anymore. Let’s talk about how you can get rid of it fast and for free by donating it through our service. Our Texas boat donations program has never been so simple! It consists of three easy steps:
- Call us at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form!
To kickstart your donation process, you’ll need to provide us with some basic information about your vessel (year, make, model, etc.), your personal contact information and the ideal time, date and location for your boat’s pickup.
- Have your boat picked-up for free!
After verifying the information that you gave us, we’ll coordinate with a professional towing company in your area for your vessel’s free pickup! Breast Cancer Car Donations will cover all towing expenses!
- Receive your tax deduction receipt!
Once we sell your boat at an auction, you’ll receive a 100-percent tax-deductible sales receipt showing how much your donated boat was sold. If the price is higher than $500, you can claim the total amount as your tax deduction when you file your itemized federal income tax for the next tax-filing season. If the price is lower than $500, you have the added option of basing your tax deduction claim on your vessel’s fair market value not exceeding $500.
Rewards for Your Generosity!
Yes, you’ll have your own share of rewards for your generous donation! Check these out:
- You get free pickup and towing services!
You’ll have your vessel off your property in no time and for free! What else could sound any better than that?
- Do away with the hassles of selling!
It takes time, money, and a whole lot of effort to try and sell your boat by yourself. When you go for Texas boat donations, you won’t have to go through all the trouble of placing ads, haggling with buyers, dealing with brokers, and waiting for a decent offer for an indefinite period of time.
- Quit paying for insurance, maintenance, and storage fees!
Wouldn’t it be such a relief if you won’t need to worry about fees, fees, and more fees? Donate your boat today and get that taste of financial freedom!
- We’ll do the paperwork!
Our experienced team of experts will handle all the required paperwork from start to finish.
- Receive a thumping tax deduction!
Your donation entitles you to a hefty tax write-off because Breast Cancer Car Donations works with certified IRS 501(c)3 charities. You can be sure that we’ll do all that we can to ensure that you’ll get the maximum amount of deduction that’s allowed by law.
Do Yourself and Those Who Have Breast Cancer a Huge Favor!
What are you waiting for? Donate your cruddy old boat today by contacting us 866-540-5069 and get free towing services plus tax rewards for your Texas boat donations!
Last Updated: February 16th, 2023

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