Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer

Two Test Tubes | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Martin Lopez under Pexels License 

Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer: How To Manage Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Since breast cancer can be hereditary, genetic testing for breast cancer can confirm if you have inherited the faulty genes that could lead to the development of this terrible disease. We all know that early detection can be extremely advantageous for you since cancer in its early stages is highly responsive to various treatments.

BRCA Genes: What We Need to Keep an Eye On

Our BRCA genes are responsible for the development of breast cancer. Ironically, these are supposed to protect a person from getting the disease, but as chance would have it, in some family lines, they develop into mutated BRCA genes that can be passed on to the next generation. When a woman inherits these faulty genes, the chances of her developing invasive breast cancer increase dramatically.

BRCA1 and BRCA 2, when working properly, contain proteins that suppress the growth of tumors in the body. They work by repairing damaged DNA, thereby ensuring that the cell’s genetic material is stable. However, when these genes mutate or become damaged in some way, the production of the tumor-suppressing proteins gets affected. The cells could then create genetic alterations, which could lead to the development of breast cancer.

A woman can inherit these genes from either her mother or father. If one parent carries the genes, the child has a 50% chance of genetically acquiring the mutated cells. Therefore, it’s best if you get yourself tested and checked by your doctor so you’d know how you can manage your risk.

How to Manage Your Risk for Developing Breast Cancer

If you do undergo genetic testing and the result turns out to be positive, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have breast cancer. Sometimes, there are other factors that can contribute to its development. Here’s what you can do to manage your risk for breast cancer:

  • Monitor Changes in Your Breasts

When you have a positive result for the genetic testing, the first thing that you should be observant about is the changes in your breast. Regular breast examinations can help detect if there are growths or any abnormalities developing.

  • Have Regular Cancer Screening

In the case of breast cancer, a mammogram and MRI scan can be done for early detection of the disease. The earlier you catch your breast cancer, the easier it is to treat. Patients with breast cancers that are detected early have a high chance of recovering fully compared to those with other types of cancers.

  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle changes can also be vital in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Switching to healthy food choices and being physically active can drastically minimize your risk of developing the disease.

  • Surgery

Risk-reducing surgeries involve removing a whole tissue or a portion of it as a preventive measure for cancer. For instance, in breast cancer, a mastectomy is done where the whole breast tissue is removed to reduce the development of breast cancer by 90%. However, though it can be effective, recovering from mastectomy can be physically and emotionally challenging.

The decisions pertaining to how you can manage your risk solely depends on you. While implementing these decisions is encouraged, you’ll still need to have yourself checked by the physician as early as possible before it’s too late.

Help Breast Cancer Patients in Their Journey to Recovery

Sadly, many patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer choose to skip treatments because the costs of chemotherapy, radiation, and other treatment modalities are quite prohibitive. For this reason, we at Breast Cancer Car Donations, along with our IRS-certified nonprofit partners, are working tirelessly to provide assistance to breast cancer patients who desperately need it.

When you donate any type of vehicle to us, we will sell it via auction and use the proceeds to support our charity partners in the delivery of various comprehensive breast health services to communities all over the United States. These services are geared toward breast cancer prevention, screening, detection, treatment, and research. One single vehicle donation from you can save more than one life.

Moreover, you will also reap rewards for your charitable contribution, including a top tax deduction after your donated vehicle is sold at auction.

For more information on our vehicle donation program, check out our FAQs page. For inquiries, you may call us at our toll-free hotline 866-540-5069 or send us a message online.

You can make your donation by filling out our secure online donation form or calling us directly. We accept almost all types of vehicles regardless of their age and condition. We also accept vehicle donations anywhere in the United States since we have car donation programs in all 50 states.

Help Extend Lives of Breast Cancer Victims with Your Car Donation

Genetic testing for breast cancer is one sure-fire way of determining one’s chances of developing this life-threatening disease. This is one of the tools that can help save lives. You too can contribute to extending the lives of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Call us at 866-540-5069 and make a positive impact on the lives of women who want to live longer and better lives with your car donation!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023